Time to Change Your Voter Registration: There’s a Vegan Political Party

When it comes to America’s political system, statistics show her citizens are far from pleased. According to a 2014 Gallup poll, 65 percent of people are dissatisfied with how the government system works. In addition, a record 42 percent of Americans identify as Independents, eschewing the two major parties altogether.

There aren’t really any statistics on how vegans vote (yet), but it’s reasonable to assume that for most plant-based eaters, animal welfare is a key issue. Unfortunately, it’s one that’s not generally addressed by either dominant party.

But as veganism expands its influence in mainstream culture, it’s doing so in the political realm as well. Enter the Humane Party, a relatively new group dedicated to a platform of peace, nonviolence and rights for all animals, human and otherwise.

The party is the first-ever in the U.S. committed to:

  1. Rights for all animals — not just the human kind,
  2. Full realization of an ecosystem-neutral, sustainably prosperous economy
  3. Running and electing only candidates who have committed to humane values both personally and politically

All of the parties’ candidates and leaders are vegan. Clifton Roberts accepted the role of party CEO in May of this year. “When I began to have conversations with the Humane Party Board of Directors, it was very obvious that my socio-economic and political views aligned perfectly with the vision and mission of the Humane Party,” he tells Latest Vegan News. “As part of this engagement, I agreed to sign and commit to the Humane Party oath, which  is required of all Humane Party candidates, officers and members of the board of directors.”

The party has grand plans for the future. It plans to abolish animal slavery, cruelty and killing through existing political and legal systems, as well as work to pass legislation that protects the rights of sentient beings.

Courtesy of Clifton Roberts

The party is also currently cultivating candidates to run for office in every branch of government, Roberts says.

In addition to the animal rights portion of its agenda, the party is also committed to other progressive causes including environmental protection; ending injustice in the criminal system; enhancing national security while eliminating the for-profit aspects of war; replacing the electoral college with direct democratic elections and more.

While originally started in 2009, The party has been gaining more attention since Roberts took over as CEO, earning national and international media coverage, a growing number of social media followers and opening branches and soliciting volunteers throughout the 50 states.

But will Americans trust the new party, given their current level of discontent with the political system?

“Given our compassionate background, I have 100% confidence in our agenda, our candidates, and the differences inherent between the Humane Party and the other two parties—especially in the area of public trust,” Roberts says.

Look out Democrats and Republicans: the Humane Party embraces donkeys and elephants, both.

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Hannah Sentenac

A wizard of words, lover of all living things and vegan mac 'n cheese master, Hannah is the vegan girl behind bharmless.com. Her writing has appeared in Live Happy magazine, the Miami New Times, OneGreenPlanet.com, MindBodyGreen.com, FoodRevolution.org and numerous other publications and websites. She's obsessed with vegan pizza and crop tops, the holidays, and all things Los Angeles. You can reach Hannah directly at hannah@bharmless.com.

View Comments

  • This is wonderful news. I will look forward to receiving information for this beautiful ideal. With vegans - people with heart running this - it looks very hopeful. Thank You so much!

  • Abortion is also a terrible human rights abuse. If they would oppose that, I'd be all in. Unfortunately, last time I checked their platform, they said nothing about it.

    • @ CaptainSakonna, I think the title should be a clue Captain. While I can speak for them, I do believe this is a, all life issue. But, I would think the one reason, IMO, that you haven't heard about the abortion issue in the animal rights movement is because, well, it is about the most abused, tortured, used and killed species on the plant. And, little, next to none, has been done to right this wrong. Humans kill more, land, air and sea life in one day than all the babies that die in a year. That is, NOT, to say, we don't care. But rather, how can we care more, if people, put no value on the lives of all sentient beings.
      The ain't abortion organizations, lobbyist and religious groups are many. Much more than the animal rights. So who should be helping who?
      If you truly believe that all life matters, and you want the animal rights group to join in your cause, then take the meat off your plate.

      • The meat has been off my plate for over 20 years; so, I'm looking at switching from the Green Party to whoever is the most inclusive whole life organization--Humane Party or American Solidarity Party.

  • I think it's about time. I'm vegan and sick of the animal torture and all the rest. You have my vote. We need chsnge. The animals need you. Actually the world needs you. A president for a humane society. Vote for you. Run run run. Love you.

  • Good news that there are people organized for animals, the most abused and neglected beings on this earth. The chances of election may not be good, but I wonder if supporters could keep organized to support animal rights issues beyond the election. We need to combine our voices to be listened to and taken seriously.

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