Say Hello to harm.less!

Hello lovely people, and welcome to harm.less! Where life is an awesome adventure and we’re all in this together.
SomeVeganGirl is being retired in favor of this new endeavor that I am SO DAMN EXCITED ABOUT!
I hope you will be, too.
harm.less with Hannah (me!) is your guide to the good life — only kind, conscious, and cruelty free.
It’s about maximum fun, minimum harm.
You can still expect the vegan food and lifestyle coverage you’re used to along with stories about how to enjoy life in a way that causes less harm to the planet, the animals, your fellow humans — and to you, too!
Expect totally unique coverage around food, drinks, travel, fashion, fun stuff to do, holiday cheer, mental health, and really anything that relates to the concept of loving your life (and loving everyone else’s too).
harm.less is for ALL people who want to live a more conscious life regardless of label, persuasion, eating habits, creed, or otherwise. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: we’re all in this together.
You can find harm.less at and on Instagram at @bharm.less! Other social channel updates to follow. I’d love to hear what you think, so come say hi!