Science and Research

Plant-Based Food Named a Top Trend for 2016Plant-Based Food Named a Top Trend for 2016

Plant-Based Food Named a Top Trend for 2016

For anyone living a vegan lifestyle, plant-based food is far more than a "trend" -- it's part of a fundamental philosophy.…

9 years ago
Meat Substitutes Market Expected to Reach $5.17 Billion by 2020Meat Substitutes Market Expected to Reach $5.17 Billion by 2020

Meat Substitutes Market Expected to Reach $5.17 Billion by 2020

Who says meat has to involve animals? Not consumers, who are snapping up plant-based proteins at record rates. According to a…

9 years ago
San Francisco Start-Up Working on Vegan GelatinSan Francisco Start-Up Working on Vegan Gelatin

San Francisco Start-Up Working on Vegan Gelatin

Little do most consumers know that marshmallows and gummy bears aren't the innocuous treats they appear to be. Like so many other…

9 years ago
Study: Eating Plants Leads to Lower Death Rate in Kidney PatientsStudy: Eating Plants Leads to Lower Death Rate in Kidney Patients

Study: Eating Plants Leads to Lower Death Rate in Kidney Patients

Time and time again, research has shown that a plant-based diet can help with a wide variety of illnesses and conditions,…

9 years ago
Report: Vegetarian Menus See 66 Percent Growth Over Three YearsReport: Vegetarian Menus See 66 Percent Growth Over Three Years

Report: Vegetarian Menus See 66 Percent Growth Over Three Years

With the rise in education and awareness of the health benefits of a plant-strong diet, it's clear that consumer preferences…

9 years ago
Psychology Researcher Offers Tips for Positive, Effective Vegan AdvocacyPsychology Researcher Offers Tips for Positive, Effective Vegan Advocacy

Psychology Researcher Offers Tips for Positive, Effective Vegan Advocacy

The plant-based community is awash with opinions about how to approach vegan advocacy -- some think shock-and-awe is the answer,…

9 years ago
Report: U.S. Dairy Alternatives Market Worth $2.09 Billion and GrowingReport: U.S. Dairy Alternatives Market Worth $2.09 Billion and Growing

Report: U.S. Dairy Alternatives Market Worth $2.09 Billion and Growing

Take one look at the "dairy" aisle in your local Walmart, and it's clear that consumers are steering away from…

9 years ago
Analysis Finds Americans Want More Plants, Less Meat in Dietary GuidelinesAnalysis Finds Americans Want More Plants, Less Meat in Dietary Guidelines

Analysis Finds Americans Want More Plants, Less Meat in Dietary Guidelines

The jury is in, and the people want their plants; so says a new data analysis of the public comments on…

9 years ago
New Study Shows Consumer Demand for Alternative Proteins Is Outpacing SupplyNew Study Shows Consumer Demand for Alternative Proteins Is Outpacing Supply

New Study Shows Consumer Demand for Alternative Proteins Is Outpacing Supply

The people want their plants: such is the conclusion of a new study, done by research firm Datassential. The survey…

10 years ago
Nearly 500 Doctors Attend Plant-Based Nutrition Conference in DCNearly 500 Doctors Attend Plant-Based Nutrition Conference in DC

Nearly 500 Doctors Attend Plant-Based Nutrition Conference in DC

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide, and research has shown that a plant-based diet can go a long…

10 years ago