Every vegan has a unique story about his or her transition, but most don't start with marrying a fourth generation…
For the past eight months, Field Roast Grain Meats have been unavailable in Canada—upsetting circumstances for America's plant-eating neighbors to the north.…
By now, most news-savvy Americans have heard that the government's dietary guidelines advisory committee is on board with a veg diet. The…
Every year, the National Restaurant Association hosts the Food and Beverage (FABI) Awards—a prestigious honor in the food and beverage biz. The…
In plant-based circles, the name T. Colin Campbell is one of legend. Author of The China Study and lead player in the groundbreaking Forks…
In the food production business, palm oil is a major issue. It's a common ingredient in lots of processed foods, but…
So long Free Cone Day—Ben & Jerry's annual ice cream jubilee has earned a new moniker: Free the Cows Day. Thanks to…
Veganism is a lifestyle based on compassion: compassion for animals, compassion for the earth, and compassion for humans, too. Eating fresh, natural…
In the vegan world. The Vegg name is synonymous with realistic egg alternatives (yolks, in particular). Back in 2011, founder Rocky Shepheard started…
State fairs are known for many food-related things: deep fried Twinkies, corn-on-the-cob slathered in butter, turkey drumsticks as big as a…