Sweet Earth Releasing Vegan Breakfast Sandwich Complete with ‘Egg’ PattySweet Earth Releasing Vegan Breakfast Sandwich Complete with ‘Egg’ Patty

Sweet Earth Releasing Vegan Breakfast Sandwich Complete with ‘Egg’ Patty

For vegan eaters who aren't into green juice or acai bowls, breakfast can be the most challenging meal of the day. Where's the convenience?…

10 years ago
Hip Hop Green Dinners Bring Vegan Food to Urban YouthHip Hop Green Dinners Bring Vegan Food to Urban Youth

Hip Hop Green Dinners Bring Vegan Food to Urban Youth

When it comes to vegan eating, education is everything. Sadly, many people aren't exposed to the cornucopia of options available on…

10 years ago
Essay Contest Looks to Find New Owner for Vegan Food CartEssay Contest Looks to Find New Owner for Vegan Food Cart

Essay Contest Looks to Find New Owner for Vegan Food Cart

Mobile food is one of the hottest trends to hit the culinary world, and now, one lucky entrepreneur can start serving…

10 years ago
Vegan Beef Teams Wins at Natural Bodybuilding CompetitionVegan Beef Teams Wins at Natural Bodybuilding Competition

Vegan Beef Teams Wins at Natural Bodybuilding Competition

As far as the plants-don't-provide-enough-protein myth is concerned, the results of last month's NGA Night of Champions (a natural bodybuilding competition)…

10 years ago
Vegan Food Truck Festival Kicks Off in New England This WeekendVegan Food Truck Festival Kicks Off in New England This Weekend

Vegan Food Truck Festival Kicks Off in New England This Weekend

All over the world, vegan options are getting more impressive -- and mobile eateries are no exception. This Saturday, September…

10 years ago
Emack & Bolio’s Working on Vegan Ice Cream Using Ponycakes CookiesEmack & Bolio’s Working on Vegan Ice Cream Using Ponycakes Cookies

Emack & Bolio’s Working on Vegan Ice Cream Using Ponycakes Cookies

These days, vegan ice cream is one of the hottest trends to hit the food world -- just ask Ben…

10 years ago
Aramark Offers New Vegan Options to Over 500 College CampusesAramark Offers New Vegan Options to Over 500 College Campuses

Aramark Offers New Vegan Options to Over 500 College Campuses

The college culinary experience used to be known primarily for cold pizza, ramen noodles and the freshman 15 -- but…

10 years ago
Califia Farms’ Vegan Pumpkin Spice Latte Now in StoresCalifia Farms’ Vegan Pumpkin Spice Latte Now in Stores

Califia Farms’ Vegan Pumpkin Spice Latte Now in Stores

It's almost fall, which means pumpkin spice latte season is imminent. Sadly, Starbucks' version of the seasonal treat isn't vegan-friendly…

10 years ago
Italian Bakery Launches Vegan Cheesecake Delivery ServiceItalian Bakery Launches Vegan Cheesecake Delivery Service

Italian Bakery Launches Vegan Cheesecake Delivery Service

Despite the fact that the delis and restaurants of NYC offer up (almost) everything a hungry Manhattanite could want, plant-based cheesecakes…

10 years ago
New Study Shows Consumer Demand for Alternative Proteins Is Outpacing SupplyNew Study Shows Consumer Demand for Alternative Proteins Is Outpacing Supply

New Study Shows Consumer Demand for Alternative Proteins Is Outpacing Supply

The people want their plants: such is the conclusion of a new study, done by research firm Datassential. The survey…

10 years ago