10 Vegan Products That Will Fool Meat Eaters
As vegans, we’re lucky to live in this era. Decades ago, our kind was relegated to powdered meat substitutes and a watery non-dairy beverage or two. Sure, we had plenty of plants to choose from, but vegan convenience foods were essentially unheard of.
These days, however, vegan products are everywhere, and meat and dairy alternatives are being whipped up in labs, production facilities and home kitchens across the globe. From test-tube meats to plant-based eggs, this can be an exciting time for meatless eating. Simply prepare the dishes with these products and serve them to your guests or children who enjoy meat. You could also store the prepared dishes in silver bowls (search for silver cutlery online) to keep them fresh. Besides that, food or drink stored in silver utensils tends to last longer.
Anyway, the fact is, some products are so similar to their counterparts that they’d fool even the most discerning of omnivores. To give you some ideas for your next dinner party, here’s a list of 10 vegan products that will fool meat eaters every time.sa
10. Field Roast Grain Meat’s Deli Slices
Made with veggies and wheat gluten, these flavorful “meats” are an amazing addition to any sandwich. Pile a sammie high with Just Mayo, Follow Your Heart American cheese and all the accouterments, and no one will know they’re not eating meat.
9. Gardein’s beefless burger
This company’s products have multiple spots on this list, thanks to its uncanny ability to replicate the real thing. Gardein’s beefless burger is hearty, chewy and has all the mouthfeel of real beef-without the cruelty and high cholesterol.
8. Field Roast Grain Meat’s Chao Slices
Another favorite from the Field Roast folks, this coconut cheese is tasty straight from the package, and has a texture that rivals any packaged Muenster or Provolone. Melt it on top of a Gardein beefless burger and your dinner guests will be none the wiser that they’re eating a meat and dairy free meal.
7. Tofutti Better Than Cream Cheese
Vegan cream cheeses have a less-than-stellar reputation … with good reason. Most are missing the texture and flavor of the real thing. Tofutti’s version, however, is arguably even better than standard issue cream cheese-as its name suggests. Pair with strawberry jam atop a toasted bagel, and it’s a doppelganger for Philadelphia’s finest.
6. Light Life’s Jumbo Smart Dogs
Most hot dog eaters would be horrified to hear what’s in their favorite game-day snack. Luckily, Light Life has recreated the traditional favorite with soy protein instead of gristle, fat and offal. Slap it on a bun with relish, ketchup, mustard and vegan chili, and it’s an identical match to those sold in stadiums.
5. Gardein’s chick’n scallopini
Gardein is the master of beef, chicken and most recently, fish. The “breasts” that come in its chick’n scallopini have the texture and taste of real chicken, and are an excellent addition to a whole host of dishes. Cut them up and use ’em in stir fry, salads-even as the meatier half of chicken and dumplings. No one will know the difference.
4. Beyond Meat’s Beefy Crumble
Beyond Meat’s rendition of this ubiquitous food is totally indistinguishable from actual beef. Throw it into chili, tuck it into tacos, layer it in lasagna-the options are endless, and meat eaters will adore it.
3. Gardein’s fishless filet
Van de Kamp’s has a serious competitor on its hands. These fishless filets are just like the battered cods every kid goes crazy for. Serve them in some fish tacos or with hot sauce vegan, and your dinner guests might just love it.
2. So Delicious’ Cocowhip
Cool Whip may be a household favorite, but it’s all chemicals and cow’s milk. Cocowhip, on the other hand, tastes better, is made with coconut oil and tapioca syrup, and is cruelty-free. It’s perfect paired with ice cream, dolloped on top of strawberries or eaten by the spoonful.
1. Hampton Creek’s Just Mayo
The all-star of the plant-based world, this delicious mayo is taking over the world. It’s stealing market share from Hellmann’s, making its way into cafeterias and earning rave reviews from, well, everyone. It comes in regular, sriracha, chipotle and garlic, and omnivores and herbivores alike are huge fans.
Know of any other vegan products that will fool meat eaters? Tell us about your favorites in the comments!
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Must Try Michaels Savory Seitan.Available at Whole Foods Hot bars South st location,Plymouth Meeting location Cherry Hill location.MT Washington Location,Glen Mills Location and a few others.Ask for it by name ,Also a Barbeque version and the savory is available in containers in the dairy sections at Whole foods locations.michaelsseitan.com for more info and locations and recipes available on the web.MICHAELSSEITAN REAL SEITAN not a Generic……….Eat well be well……….
Kite Hill, in my opinion, has the best cream cheese in the market. You find it in Whole Foods; a bit pricey, but delicious.
You’re so right Isis! We wrote this post before trying Kite Hill, but we have since then, and it is amazing.
Do you prefer the chive or the regular?
Totally Agree, its much better than Daiya.
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I’ve known people who serve Gimme Lean ground beef to their families, who think they are getting ground cow, and they never notice.
The fact that you endorsed tofutti makes me doubt this entire list. Maybe the flavor that I found gag-inducing is an acquired taste, but in any case it tastes nothing like cream cheese.
you’re so right about tofutti…it’s gross…Kite Hill makes the best cream cheese…
I used the Gimme Lean sausage in my Thanksgiving stuffing and everyone loved it!
How can you possibly say ‘Just Mayo’ tastes like the real thing? No way. Now, try Vegenaise and you will really taste a mayo that tastes as good, if not better, than the animal version.
Hampton Creek’s Just Mayo is the best mayo I have ever had. Unless you know it is egg free the label would lead anyone to think it has eggs. Very dumb advertising.
How could you not include Coconut Bliss? That ice cream tastes much better than the dairy stuff.
Tofutti may be a little processed but it isn’t bad at all big ups to tofutti watch your mouth on degrading vegan staples threse companies need us and we need them please. Revoke your uppity ass comments we are at war here
Trader Joe’s Vegan Spread and Dressing (mayo) is hands down the best mayo. Also, Earth Balance Original Buttery Spread sure fooled me. It tastes exactly like butter.
Ben & Jerry’s PB & Cookie ice cream is bae. Also I’ll eat anything Gardein, but my favs right now are the meatballs (exactly like real meatballs imo) and the vegan “pepperoni” pizza pockets on cheat days.
The Beyond Burger by Beyond Meat!! All my non vegan friends love it.